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Fruit Detection Matlab Source Code Free Download


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on 20 Apr 2013

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.. and how should it treat tomatoes, which are botanically fruit but (in the USA) legally vegetables?
on 20 Apr 2013

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Why are strawberries not fruit? I heard that they are the only fruit with the seeds on the outside of the fruit. What about corn? High sugar content, has the seeds, not the plant itself (like lettuce or broccoli). Actually a lot of vegetables are seeds (like peas) but not sweet, so I guess the definition of fruit or vegetable could be quite complex. Do you think coudren has to decide if a pea is a fruit or not?
on 20 Apr 2013

50 shades of grey movie. Direct link to this comment:

I was misremembering about strawberries; I see that
'Technically, the strawberry is an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries.[3] Each apparent 'seed' (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.'
'Peapods are botanically a fruit, since they contain seeds developed from the ovary of a (pea) flower. However, peas are considered to be a vegetable in cooking.'
Notice that sweetness has nothing to do with the definition.
'botanically, a type of fruit called a caryopsis'
on 20 Apr 2013

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Walter, that would imply that wheat, rye and rice is fruit as well? Then where does berries fall, subgroup of fruits or completely separate?
Fruit Detection Matlab Source Code Free Download
on 20 Apr 2013

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'The botanical definition of a berry is a fleshy fruit produced from a single ovary.'
(Which, incidentally, excludes strawberries, but includes nuts.. keeping in mind that peanuts are not nuts butare technically fruits..)
Wheat, rye, and rice are all cereal grains and thus are botanically fruit.
on 21 Apr 2013

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thanks for the infos, and now i had narrow it down just three simple fruits, shown in herehttp://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/fruitsl.jpg.
And actually I hope can get the simple MATLAB coding to classify these 3 fruits, maybe classify it based on their color, and/or based on their shape. Thanks in advanced.
on 21 Apr 2013

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  1. Convert to hsv color space.
  2. Just threshold the V channel on anything dark.
  3. Get rid of small noise blobs using bwareaopen.
  4. Close any holes due to specular reflection with imfill()
  5. Call regionprops to get the mean Hue and area from each blob.
  6. Compare that with known Hues and average areas for each type of fruit.
That's the basic process. You can look at my color segmentation by HSV demo in my file exchange for a reference.
on 4 Jun 2018

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i need the MATLAB source code for fruit recognition, with apples, ananas, kiwi, banana, pears and oranges?
on 4 Jun 2018

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You will need to write that code; none of us have anything that specific.
Fruit Detection Matlab Source Code Free Download
Most of that can be recognized by hue, but for distinguishing banana from apple, you might need to examine texture as well, as it is possible that theflesh will be shown, and the flesh of a white apple might not be too different in hue from the flesh of the inside of a banana, and the peel of a Golden Delicious might appear not too different from the peel of a banana.
Note: you will need to account for a variety of hues for apples.http://articles.extension.org/pages/66371/red-color-development-in-apple-fruit
Note that you cannot assume that any of the fruit are ripe: you need to account for them at all growth stages. And remember that insides and outsides might be different colors.

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